Navette spaciale Columbia - перевод на французский
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Navette spaciale Columbia - перевод на французский

Columbia Lady; Historical Columbia; Columbia (historical name); Columbia (allegory); Lady Columbia; Miss Columbia; Columbia (name)
  • John Gast]]'s 1872 painting ''[[American Progress]]'' depicts Columbia as the Spirit of the Frontier, carrying telegraph lines across the Western frontier to fulfill [[manifest destiny]].
  • American flag]] gown and [[Phrygian cap]], which signifies freedom and the pursuit of liberty, from a [[World War I]] patriotic poster
  • Puck]]'' depicts Columbia wearing a warship bearing the words "World Power" as her [[Easter bonnet]].
  • Personification of the Americas in [[Meissen porcelain]], c. 1760, from a set of the [[Four Continents]]
  • archive-date=March 5, 2016 }}</ref>

Navette spaciale Columbia      
n. Space Shuttle Columbia, first space shuttle in NASA's orbital fleet which was launched on April 12th 1981


·noun America; the United States;
- a poetical appellation given in honor of Columbus, the discoverer.


Columbia (personification)

Columbia (; kə-LUM-bee-ə) is the female national personification of the United States. It was also a historical name applied to the Americas and to the New World. The association has given rise to the names of many American places, objects, institutions and companies, including the District of Columbia; Columbia, South Carolina; Columbia University; "Hail, Columbia" and Columbia Rediviva; the Columbia River. Images of the Statue of Liberty (Liberty Enlightening the World, erected in 1886) largely displaced personified Columbia as the female symbol of the United States by around 1920, although Lady Liberty was seen as an aspect of Columbia. However, Columbia's most prominent display today is being part of the logo of the Hollywood film studio Columbia Pictures.

Columbia is a New Latin toponym, in use since the 1730s with reference to the Thirteen Colonies which formed the United States. It originated from the name of the Genoese explorer Christopher Columbus and from the Latin ending -ia, common in the Latin names of countries (paralleling Britannia, Gallia, Zealandia, and others).